Through your 24/7 toll-free EAP number, managers and supervisors have access to Acentra's dedicated Management Services
team for unlimited telephonic leadership consultation services. Our Management Services team is composed of seasoned clinicians with experience handling management consultations, informal and formal referrals, DOT services and requests for workplace support and debriefings.
Consultations help supervisors and managers to effectively deal with troubled employees, initiate a supervisory referral, and
understand how to maintain positive, productive work environments for their employees. Acentra can provide guidance and coaching on:
Identifying problem employees (i.e., outbursts,
tardiness, co-worker relationships, missed deadlines, absenteeism, low morale, complaints, etc.)
How to talk with an employee about work
performance without focusing on personal problems
How to develop a constructive intervention
Confidentiality issues
Documentation of employee work performance
Defining the supervisor's role in the referral
How to utilize the EAP during the referral process;
Ensuring all appropriate parties are coordinated
for management referrals.
Additionally, our Management Services team possess extensive experience in the facilitation of organizational consultation
and intervention. They can provide in-depth assessments related to a variety of workplace issues. Based on the assessment, the Management Services team will summarize the findings, develop a customized intervention, and offer recommendations regarding how the intervention may be implemented within your organization.
The Management Services team can support you in exploring and resolving situations related to violence in the workplace,
workplace trauma, critical event management, organizational downsizing or reduction in force, fostering employee morale and engagement, and the enhancement of workplace relationships.
The successful facilitation of any organizational assessment and intervention process is achieved through sustained
communication and collaboration with company leadership and key personnel. Acentra tailors each intervention to your needs using a variety of clinical, organization, and consultative interventions to achieve the desired outcome. Interventions are always developed and administered with an understanding of your organization's applicable polices, procedures, and culture.